Monday, January 4, 2010

What is important to you?

We all have time for people and activities that we find important.  When I hear someone say, "I don't have time" or "I'm too busy", I think that they are really saying "This is not important to me". 
It is good to be able to draw the line and limit the activities that errupt during day.  We are all drawn into far too many activities.  We have too many people who want our time.  So, what is important? 
I used to say that my job was important.  I worked many more hours than was necessary in the name of taking care of what is important.  I probably sacrificed family, friends, and especially God in my misdirection of what was important.  True, you have to have money in order to live.  Food, clothing, and shelter all cost money.  But how much do you need.
When I lost my job, I discovered that the job was really not important.  The love of family and friends, those who took the time to be with me during my time of trouble, they were important.  The loss of a job just limited my ability to spend.  The loss of any of these people in my life, who have been and are there for me, would truely be tragic.  They are important
In addition, while I was trying to find happiness in things, I completely forgot the one who is with me during all the times of my life.  I neglected the one who would never let me down and the one who asks for so little and gives so much.  I forgot about my true friend.  The great thing is that Jesus was still there when I finally decided to look at what was important in my life.  He did not turn away from me, when I turned away from him.  I had no time for him and his people, but that did not stop his giving love to me, and patiently waiting for me to look his way. 
I was one of those people who did not have time to spend with God.  My life was too busy.  I had more important things to do, or so I thought.  The greatest gift in my life is realizing that God always has time for me.  He is never too busy to be with me.  He is never too busy to help me during my times of sorrow and celebrate with me during my time of great happiness. 
He is there for all of us and is never too busy to love us.
So now I think before I say I am too busy.  I think about what is important.  I think about how Jesus would handle the situation and what he would tell someone if they needed help.  I don't always live up to these high standards of Jesus, but I do take the time to think about what is important, even if I fail to always acknowledge that importance.
Luckily, I can always try again.  I can always try again to love. 

Peace to you,


"Be still and know that I am God"(Psalm 46:10)

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